
Home Page>Company News>Installing Air Source Heat Pumps-Why!

An added benefit of using a ground source pump is that it is eco-friendly. By choosing a more efficient option for heating your home or office, you save money on electricity, and you save the planet by being frugal in your energy expenditure. Air Source Heat Pump These are also great for large buildings, because having such high efficiency means that they can successfully heat or cool a much larger volume of air, at much lower cost, than less efficient alternatives.

If you're a building developer, rather than a homeowner, installing a heat pump rather than an air conditioner is a great selling point for potential buyers or renters, and heat pumps are easy to install, saving you time and hassle!

So let's consider the two options: air source and ground source. What's the difference, you ask? Well, air source pumps have the benefit of being cheaper and slightly easier to install, because all they need is access to the air outside your home in order to function. Ground source pumps are more expensive to install, but they are more efficient, which can save you money in the long run if you're installing your heat pump in an area with more extreme weather. The reason they are more efficient is that they harness geothermal energy, drawing heat from soil or ground water, which tends to be at a more consistent temperature than the air.




Key words:   Air Source Heat Pump ,Heat Pump

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