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Get Qualified Instruction - Learning to swim may seem like something for preschoolers in water wings. But even if you can successfully navigate from one end of the pool to the other, proper technique is not something that you can learn on your own.

Be Patient - We expect to pick things up quickly. Swimming won't be one of them. Learning proper stroke techniques takes time, and that takes patience. People want results right away, but swimming is extremely technical, which is really frustrating for a lot of people. Learning swimming's four strokes - freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly is not difficult, but it is essential that you learn how to do them properly if you want to get the most out of swimming.

Relax In The Water - When you're learning to swim, relaxing is the most important thing that you can do - and the most difficult. When people are learning to swim, they get nervous and they tense up. And when they do that, they find themselves sinking, and it's just that much harder. You need to relax and stay loose. If you happen to be one of those people whose muscles lock into a state resembling rigor mortis whenever you go near the pool, you may want to pick up a pair of swim fins. They make your kick more powerful, which means that they will keep you up and planing across the surface, even when you're tense and tight.

Get The Right Equipment - There's not a lot that you have to buy, just a suit and swimming goggles. The choice of suit is yours. Racing suits are light and comfortable. More important, they offer virtually no drag in the water. Swimming goggles are a must. Keeping the pool from becoming a virus reunion requires liberal use of chemicals and many of these chemicals are hard on the eyes. Occasionally, you'll see swimmers wearing nose plugs or earplugs. Save your money. Unless you're particularly prone to swommer's ear, the human body is designed to withstand moisture in these particular orifices. In any event, earplugs tend to fall out while you're swimming, and nose plugs make it hard to breathe - and when you're swimming hard, you want to be sucking in all the oxygen you can.

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