Ready to Re-assembly your Pool Centrifugal Pump

But first you need to replace the volute paper gasket and secure it in place with a little RTV silicone sealant. Always use non-hardening silicone lube on all your swimming pool and spa pump repairs. DO NOT use Vaseline or any other lubricants made with petroleum. They can cause problems by eating away some paper and plastic gaskets. Once the paper gasket is in place, you can begin your re-assembling of your pump.
Slide the volute cover plate assembly into the volute of the pump housing.
Line up the holes for the cover bolts.
Insert the bolts and tightened in a crisscross pattern. This helps the cover plate assembly to slide into place without the impeller binding to the walls of the volute. housing.
Re-insert the flex coupling into its hub and slide the motor back into place; thus aligning the hub on the motor to the end of the flex coupling.
Insert the holding bolts for the motor. Align the pump and motor to ensure proper operation. Failure to do this will cause your mechanical seal to fail again.
Open the valves to both the discharge and the suction side of your pool pump.
Restore the electrical power supply to the pump motor.
Run the pump system and check for any leaks.

Company Resource:   Heat Pump, Household Heat Pump, Swimming Pool Heat Pump
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