Keep in mind that even the best units are going to struggle on extremely warm days.

One of the first signs you will notice when it is time for your air conditioner to be serviced is a lack of efficiency. You will have to pay attention to notice this, however, because it’s not always as obvious as you might think. If you notice that it is running more than normal when the temperature outside hasn’t changed significantly, it might be time to give your repair technician a call. Similarly, if it is running a lot and not making much of a different in the temperature in your home, you should call.

If you are unsure about the efficiency of your unit, you can do an experiment. Turn it down past where you normally feel comfortable and let it run for a little while. If you start to feel too cool and then the unit shuts off, your unit is probably working well. If it continues to run but you do not feel the temperature change, it is not running efficiently. You can also purchase a low cost thermometer to place in your home to see what temperature it is achieving.

 Company Resource:   Heat Pump, Household Heat Pump, Swimming Pool Heat Pump
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