Annually tune ups can also help in saving on your month electricity bills and also reduces the cost of repair.

A properly serviced air conditioner can do a better job of cooling your home or office. Many local air conditioner and services firms offer reasonable prices in the cold seasons to enhance the sale. Some air conditioner and services firms also offer you yearly service programs that insures that you will need to service the unit at the beginning of the cooling and heating seasons. The services check of air conditioners includes checking the amp draw of air conditioner compressor, oiling the fan motors, checking the belts are well adjusted, checking the system operating pressures, cleaning unit coils. It is also important to check temperatures of air conditioners against the manufacturer’s specifications. The most important thing to check is the coolant level, it is known as Freon in the air conditioner. Air conditioner system that is only 10% low on coolant will cost you about 20% more to operate it. Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) suggest that coolant levels be checked every year.

If your coolant level is low then it is important to add more coolant level because there are laws governing its uses. If the front of your air conditioner is leaking than it will damage the earth protective layer ozone so if you feel any leakage repair it as soon as possible. The annually and proper tune ups can help you to increase the high level of comfort and proper system operation. The important thing is to buy good quality filters and change them when needed. Always keep the bushes and other kind of materials away from the outside unit of the air conditioner. The other good way is to shun close supply air outlets in your home. Always remember that all appliances, equipments even the most reliable one also need proper and routine maintenance. Routine maintenance of air conditioner can prevent your unit from major break downs and increase the life span of unit and your comfort. Properly maintain units can operate from less money.

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