
Home Page>Company News>Clogged Sump Pumps are A Reality that Needs to Be Considered

clogged sump pumps are a reality that needs to be considered. There are a number of reasons why the pump can become clogged.The pump's screen and drain pipe is often the culprit of many sump pump clogs. As a home prevention for clogs a little white vinegar can be poured through the Heat Pump to try to filter out small debris in these areas. If the clog is bigger than anticipated professional help may be required. Sometimes all the pump professional has to do is clean out the pump and clogs are easily remedied.

Also, after a downpour or every so many months, homeowners need to check pumps for dirt and silt. A good standard is to check the pump on a yearly basis to make sure it is functioning at an optimal level. Water needs to be placed into the drain portion of the pump. This should be done multiple times to make sure the pump really is working at capacity.Checking the float mechanism on the pump should be done on a quarterly basis. Sometimes a clog can occur by the float and this will keep the pump from working. The float is the device that senses the presence of water and causes the pump to kick on.Gravel, sand, dirt, and even tree root pieces can clog up the pump. If a clog is especially bad it may be necessary to call for assistance from a professional to have a camera snaked through the drain line to see where the clog is. There is usually and alarm-like system the professional will use to determine exactly where the clog exists then it can be removed. The professional will have the appropriate tools necessary to remove the clog, which may be rather large if a homeowner is unable to remove it themselves.

Company Resource:     Household Heat Pump  Swimming Pool Heat Pump